TROUBLE SLEEPING: 10 Tips For Getting Better Sleep! – From Polar Warriors:
“Today I want to talk about something super important. In fact, it’s so important that I literally call it the “air and water” of Bipolar Disorder. This of course would be our SLEEP. Over half of the world’s population already struggles with sleep issues. Throw something like Bipolar Disorder into the mix and Houston, we have a problem!
Aside from diet and exercise, sleep is considered to be one of the three major physical necessities for good health. It’s also one of the best metrics I have to gauge my mood. I always have trouble sleeping when I’m symptomatic – weather it’s sleeping too little when I’m manic or too much when I’m depressed. Sleep issues are probably one of the quickest ways to instability for me personally, so I’m really protective of my sleep. I could have the best doctors, the latest meds, and the best food, but if I don’t sleep properly, none of that matters. Everything falls apart. Like I mentioned – it’s like the air and water of Bipolar wellness.
All that being said, I’d like to share 10 different ways you can influence, improve, or help your overall sleep. Please remember to keep realistic expectations. These aren’t cures for sleep issues and sometimes we have to get a little creative to figure out what works for US. We also have to be serious about changing the way we do things. Watching this video isn’t going to improve your sleep. You have to actually participate in these tips and that’s the hard part – especially if you are trying to change a routine you’ve had for years. I’m a little stubborn when it comes to change, so picking one small change at a time makes it a lot easier for me to stick with it. Making too many changes all at once – even if they are good changes – might actually work against us. Slow and steady wins the race right!”
Take good care and I’ll be back soon with more Polar Warrior videos. Stay well!
“Aside from diet and exercise, sleep is considered to be one of the three major physical necessities for good health.”
WELCOME TO POLAR WARRIORS: If this is your first time visiting my website or channel, welcome to “the Polar Warrior experience!” My channel is completely dedicated to helping individuals, families, and friends who struggle with, or know someone living with Bipolar Disorder. My goal is to provide actual Bipolar tools and to discuss topics which can potentially help “Polar Warriors” grow to live a more balanced, peaceful, and fulfilling life.
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