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Robert Whittaker is the founder of Polar Warriors, the world’s largest FREE video support community for bipolar disorder. Each year millions of people tune in to watch his growing collection of educational videos. Robert provides tools and support for those living with, or caring for someone with bipolar disorder. His work has been featured by the International Bipolar Foundation, Bipolar Hope Magazine, BlogFeedspot, and other organizations

Julie A. Fast is the bestselling author of Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder, Take Charge of Bipolar Disorder, Getting it Done When You’re Depressed, OMG That’s Me! Vol.2, Bipolar Happens! and The Health Cards Treatment System for Bipolar Disorder. She is continuing education certified to train health care professionals including psychiatric residents, therapists, pharmacists, general practitioners and social workers in bipolar disorder treatment and management. More information at www.BipolarHappens.com.
A Little About This Document…
The Fast-Whittaker Bipolar Assessment provides individuals and health care professionals with a comprehensive assessment of bipolar disorder symptoms. This unique document was “created by those with bipolar disorder… for those with bipolar disorder!” Sections include screening for depression, mania, anxiety, psychosis, substance use, and family history. The Fast-Whittaker Bipolar Assessment is 100% FREE and NOT intended for self-diagnosis.
Professional inquiries only: PolarWarriors@Gmail.com