Faces of Bipolar Disorder (PART 9) – PSYCHOSIS: Signs, Symptoms, & Treatment

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO Bipolar psychosis is one of the most serious symptoms that those of us with Bipolar Disorder can experience. It's also one of the most stigmatized and misunderstood. In this video we will talk about the

Faces of Bipolar Disorder (PART 8) “DRUG & ALCOHOL Addiction – Dual Diagnosis”

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO If you have Bipolar Disorder and are abusing drugs or alcohol, this can add rocket fuel to the symptoms. Unfortunately, it's estimated that around 50-60% of people who have Bipolar Disorder will experience drug or alcohol

Faces of Bipolar Disorder (PART 7) “Bipolar Mania”

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO Bipolar MANIA, symptoms, types, treatment and more are thoroughly discussed in this video. We're proud to say this is our 7th video in our ongoing series titled "Faces of Bipolar Disorder," so if you'd like to

Faces of Bipolar Disorder (PART 6) “Bipolar Depression”

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO Bipolar depression, symptoms, treatment and more are thoroughly discussed in this video. This makes the 6th video in our ongoing series titled "Faces of Bipolar Disorder," so if you'd like to learn a LOT about Bipolar

Faces of Bipolar Disorder (PART 5) “Rapid Cycling”

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO What is Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorder? What are the symptoms, how is Rapid Cycling diagnosed, and how is it treated? Welcome to the 5th video in our ongoing series titled "Faces of Bipolar Disorder" from Polar

Faces of Bipolar Disorder (PART 4) “Cyclothymia”

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO What is CYCLOTHYMIA? If you or a loved one have recently been diagnosed with Cyclothymia, we're sure you have lots of questions like: how is it diagnosed, what are the common symptoms, how is it treated,

Faces of Bipolar Disorder (PART 3) “Bipolar Type 2”

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO What is Bipolar Disorder Type 2? If you or a loved one have recently been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, we're sure you have lots of questions like: how is it diagnosed, what are the common symptoms,

Faces of Bipolar Disorder (PART 2) “Bipolar Type 1”

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO What is Bipolar Disorder Type 1? If you or a loved one have recently been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, we're sure you have lots of questions like: how is it diagnosed, what are the common symptoms,

Faces of Bipolar Disorder (PART 1) “Diagnosis”

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO Welcome to (PART 1) of this "multi-part series on Bipolar Disorder!" We're going to cover everything from diagnosis, to the different types of Bipolar Disorder, various key symptoms, medications, and so much more! If this is

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