Bipolar Disorder Mindfulness Technique – From Polar Warriors (2020)

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO FROM THE VIDEO:Bipolar Disorder Mindfulness Technique - From Polar Warriors (2020)I'M BACK WARRIORS! Over the past 2 months, we've been in the process of moving to a new city. It's the first time we've moved in

Bipolar Disorder & WEIGHT GAIN: (*7 Tips*)

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO FROM THE VIDEO:Bipolar Disorder & WEIGHT GAIN: (*7 Tips*) - Polar Warriors"Many of us with Bipolar Disorder are given a horrible choice... Do we take our life-saving medication and gain (or lose) a ton of weight,

THE BIPOLAR MATRIX: Mindfulness Technique – Polar Warriors

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO FROM THE VIDEO:THE BIPOLAR MATRIX: Mindfulness Technique - Polar Warriors"Greetings Warriors! One of our producers – Reed Himes shared a visualization technique with our Patreon community that I really liked. I thought it was worthy of

Bipolar Disorder Mindfulness Technique: “Warrior Slow!”

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO TRANSCRIPT FROM THE VIDEO: Bipolar Disorder Mindfulness Technique: "Warrior Slow!" - From Polar Warriors: "Salutations Warriors! This week I have a new mindfulness technique I'd like to share with you all. It's extremely simple which

Bipolar Disorder & Racing Thoughts: 10 Techniques That’ll Help!

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO You're trying to go to sleep but there's a concert going on inside your head! It's like your thoughts are being driven by an over-caffeinated NASCAR driver who's blasting the car stereo around the race track!

Put Your BIPOLAR THOUGHTS on Trial (CBT Technique)

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO Those of us who have Bipolar Disorder are very familiar with our minds being assaulted by negative "unhelpful" thoughts - especially during episodes of depression or mania. Sometimes the volume level gets turned up so loud that

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