BIPOLAR MEDICATION: Do I Have to Take it Forever?

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO FROM THE VIDEO:TAKING BIPOLAR MEDS FOREVER - Polar WarriorsA common question I get is “will I still have Bipolar episodes with the right meds?” The answer is yes! Which creates the follow up question...“Then why should

BIPOLAR DISORDER: Understanding “Manic Standards”

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO I’d like to offer a explanation as to why so many of us struggle to find stability with our bipolar disorder... FROM THE VIDEO: "When I was first misdiagnosed as having just unipolar depression, they

Bipolar Disorder Treatment: A Unique Approach From Polar Warriors!

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO Welcome to another Bipolar Disorder support video from Polar Warriors. So many of us feel like we've tried just about every Bipolar treatment option out there to no avail. I personally know the frustrations of medication

REAL ISSUES… Or Not? Bipolar Disorder Help From Polar Warriors!

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO I've noticed many times where I'd become extremely upset about something, say things I don't mean or treat those around me poorly, and then a week later – the BIG problem isn't even a second thought

Bipolar Disorder DENIAL: Refusing Treatment For Mental Illness

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO Bipolar Disorder is truly a journey - and not just for those of us with the diagnosis. The impact of this illness can be far reaching to include our friends, spouse, family, coworkers, and more. I've

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