I’ve noticed many times where I’d become extremely upset about something, say things I don’t mean or treat those around me poorly, and then a week later – the BIG problem isn’t even a second thought in my mind! This can be so confusing to those around us to try and understand these extremes of contrasting feelings. A wave of regret and self-loathing usually comes over me when I realize the way I handled a situation when I wasn’t well. This just causes more unnecessary suffering.
We all know that Bipolar Disorder can majorly amplify our feelings or cause us to lose clarity during an episode. How can we start to find moments of clarity in “the heat of the moment” and reduce the number of times we don’t handle situations in the best way? That’s exactly what I’m going to talk about in this video from Polar Warriors.
There is a lot of great information on this channel, but information isn’t enough… You can’t nod your head thinking “that’s a good idea” and expect your life to change. The Polar Warrior Way is a path of ACTION. It’s about integrating those “good ideas” slowly into your life. It takes a true “warrior” to face some of life’s most difficult experiences and come out of those with wisdom. If you have spent a lifetime responding to situations in a certain way, it can take time, love, and patience to start seeing improvements in the way you feel. Be patient with yourself. Everything starts with a little awareness. Take your time watching these videos. Watch them multiple times if you have to and digest a little bit at a time. Take one small aspect of your life that you want to change and be patient with yourself while you work on integrating that one thing. If you do one small thing each day to benefit your health – even if it’s just a few minutes – that’s hundreds of things over the course of a year that will help you move in the direction you want to. Take your time and you are NOT alone in these very real struggles.
Welcome Polar Warriors! I truly hope you enjoy my videos and remember to subscribe on YouTube so you don’t miss a video that could help change your life! Want to get social? Check out Polar Warriors on Facebook!
“How can we start to find moments of clarity in “the heat of the moment…”
WELCOME TO POLAR WARRIORS: If this is your first time visiting my website or channel, welcome to “the Polar Warrior experience!” My channel is completely dedicated to helping individuals, families, and friends who struggle with, or know someone living with Bipolar Disorder. My goal is to provide actual Bipolar tools and to discuss topics which can potentially help “Polar Warriors” grow to live a more balanced, peaceful, and fulfilling life.
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