My “CrAzY” Uncle: (Living in The Shadow of His Bipolar Disorder)

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO FROM THE VIDEO:My "CrAzY" Uncle: (Living in The Shadow of His Bipolar Disorder)"Today I want to talk about... living in the shadow of “my crazy uncle.” I apologize in advance for using such a stigmatizing term

Bipolar Disorder & Gambling Problems (10 TIPS) – Polar Warriors

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO FROM THE VIDEO: Bipolar Disorder & Gambling Problems (10 TIPS) - Polar Warriors "A friend of mine woke up from one of the most bizarre, realistic dreams. In the dream, five angels gave him five

Bipolar Disorder & WEIGHT GAIN: (*7 Tips*)

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO FROM THE VIDEO:Bipolar Disorder & WEIGHT GAIN: (*7 Tips*) - Polar Warriors"Many of us with Bipolar Disorder are given a horrible choice... Do we take our life-saving medication and gain (or lose) a ton of weight,

DATING & RELATIONSHIPS: (10 Tips) Disclosing Bipolar Disorder

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO FROM THE VIDEO: DATING & RELATIONSHIPS: (10 Tips) Disclosing Bipolar Disorder to a New Partner "Hi! My name is Bipolar Disorder. Nice to meet you. Are you ready for dinner and a movie?... That's probably

AM I HIGH Functioning With My Bipolar Disorder?

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO FROM THE VIDEO:AM I HIGH Functioning With My Bipolar Disorder?"You know what really sucks... When we have severe bipolar disorder and people assume we have our s*** together because they only see us when we are

TROUBLE SLEEPING: 10 Tips For Getting Better Sleep!

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO FROM THE VIDEO:TROUBLE SLEEPING: 10 Tips For Getting Better Sleep! - From Polar Warriors:"Today I want to talk about something super important. In fact, it's so important that I literally call it the “air and water”

Bipolar Disorder Mindfulness Technique: “Warrior Slow!”

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO TRANSCRIPT FROM THE VIDEO: Bipolar Disorder Mindfulness Technique: "Warrior Slow!" - From Polar Warriors: "Salutations Warriors! This week I have a new mindfulness technique I'd like to share with you all. It's extremely simple which

The 4 WORST “Mood Stabilizers” for BIPOLAR DISORDER!

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO TRANSCRIPT FROM THE VIDEO: The 4 WORST "Mood Stabilizers" for BIPOLAR DISORDER! - From Polar Warriors: "My YouTube channel has given me a very unique advantage when it comes to exploring mental health issues. I

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