My “CrAzY” Uncle: (Living in The Shadow of His Bipolar Disorder)

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO FROM THE VIDEO:My "CrAzY" Uncle: (Living in The Shadow of His Bipolar Disorder)"Today I want to talk about... living in the shadow of “my crazy uncle.” I apologize in advance for using such a stigmatizing term

DATING & RELATIONSHIPS: (10 Tips) Disclosing Bipolar Disorder

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO FROM THE VIDEO: DATING & RELATIONSHIPS: (10 Tips) Disclosing Bipolar Disorder to a New Partner "Hi! My name is Bipolar Disorder. Nice to meet you. Are you ready for dinner and a movie?... That's probably

AM I HIGH Functioning With My Bipolar Disorder?

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO FROM THE VIDEO:AM I HIGH Functioning With My Bipolar Disorder?"You know what really sucks... When we have severe bipolar disorder and people assume we have our s*** together because they only see us when we are

Disagreements & Conflict – Bipolar Disorder Relationship Help!

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO Everyone experiences conflict weather they have Bipolar Disorder or not. It's just part of coexisting with other human beings. For those of us who do have Bipolar Disorder, we can experience additional challenges when it comes

Relationships & “Not Giving a Duck!” (Bipolar Relationship Help)

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO This week on Polar Warriors, I'd like to share a wonderful story to inspire those who are in a relationship with someone who has Bipolar Disorder. I hope this video gives couples a different perspective

BIPOLAR Relationship HELP: Words of Wisdom For a Healthy Marriage

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO Of all the Bipolar videos I've made so far, this one was the hardest for me personally. Bipolar relationships and marriages can be so challenging that many of them don't survive it. That DOESN'T mean that

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