Of all the Bipolar videos I’ve made so far, this one was the hardest for me personally. Bipolar relationships and marriages can be so challenging that many of them don’t survive it. That DOESN’T mean that you can’t have a successful, amazing relationship with a Bipolar spouse, however, it takes extremely hard work from BOTH people to make this happen.
NOTE: I’d like to point out that the November article in Psychology Today is an older article and the “90% divorce rate” has struck up some debate in the Bipolar Community. Many do agree, however, some of those who have had successful relationships may not agree. That being said, I still believe it’s IMPORTANT for people to be MOTIVATED to change for the betterment of their relationship, and hearing something like this might be intense, but if that’s what it takes to help someone change, I figured it was at least worth mentioning in the video. I’d love to see a study done modernly on this topic!
In this Polar Warriors video, I’ll share some of my personal experience and some tools I’ve found that helped my relationship be successful. I hope it helps some people out there to have a better, more successful, and more loving relationship.
If you found this video helpful, let me know what you think in the comments section!
“That DOESN’T mean that you can’t have a successful, amazing relationship with a Bipolar spouse, however, it takes extremely hard work from BOTH people to make this happen.”
WELCOME TO POLAR WARRIORS: If this is your first time visiting my website or channel, welcome to “the Polar Warrior experience!” My channel is completely dedicated to helping individuals, families, and friends who struggle with, or know someone living with Bipolar Disorder. My goal is to provide actual Bipolar tools and to discuss topics which can potentially help “Polar Warriors” grow to live a more balanced, peaceful, and fulfilling life.
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Hello, I’ve been watching for about a year, Since my husband tried to kill me. He has been incarcerated since that day. We knew something was happening but going on 32 years of marriage, THIS was totally out of character! He was found incompetent and last month transferred to a mental hospital where he has been diagnosed as bipolar. There has already been vast improvements in his personality and thought process since being hospitalized and medications prescribed. I want to thank you for your videos. I don’t knownhow i even found your videos but everyone is eye opening an encouraging. This particular one has been helpful especially since the diagnosis. We live in Indiana and I am not having much luck with finding a “nearby” support group but I will keep searching.
Thank you Robert. May God bless you and your family.
Robyn I am so sorry to hear what you are living through. So hurtful to have our spouses try to or threaten to harm us. Last fall after nearly 40 years of marriage my bipolar husband had a bad manic episode in which he saw me as the villain and became emotionally abusive leading to retraining order. He was then involuntarily was hospitalized refusing to allow me for o be involved in any way in his care. Then 2mos later last December he sent me divorce papers. At he very last moment (the night before I was meeting w my lawyer to review divorce papers; after I told myself every night for at least a month that “he didn’t love me, maybe never did, I am going to be alone now etc”) he decided to try to work towards reconciliation. It has been a year now and we are just now starting mediation/reconciliation counseling while I am living alone afraid to be vulnerable to him. Very emotionally devastating.