Bipolar Disorder often follows a distinctive pattern when it comes to symptoms. Learning to recognize these patterns can help give us a HUGE advantage in preventing symptoms from getting worse. Although much of the Bipolar experience is universal, we all still have unique ways in which our symptoms manifest or how we respond to them.
In addition to the typical symptoms of depression & mania, there are also what we call “triggers” which add rocket fuel to the symptoms. Triggers can be anything from substances, to people, places & things, PTSD, what we consume, and much more. The process of discovering what our Bipolar Triggers are can be extremely beneficial to not only us, but those around us.
What I’ve learned over the years is how triggers can compound – and fast! It’s like a domino effect… One trigger can incidentally cause others to follow until our symptoms are completely out of control. If we can consciously trace things back to “The Master Trigger” or where it all started, we can learn a lot about ourselves and in turn, stop the “domino effect” in it’s tracks! Cultivating a better sense of self-awareness takes practice, but it’s a practice that can be extremely rewarding.
If this is your first time visiting our channel or website, welcome to “the Polar Warrior club!” We are completely dedicated to helping individuals, families, and friends who struggle with, or know someone living with Bipolar Disorder. Our goal is to provide actual tools, tips, and discuss topics that can potentially help “Polar Warriors” grow to live a more balanced, peaceful, and fulfilling life. We truly hope these videos inspire & educate those interested in knowing more about this serious mental illness. I truly hope you enjoy my videos and remember to subscribe on YouTube so you don’t miss a video that could impact your life in a profound way.
“The process of discovering what our Bipolar Triggers are can be extremely beneficial to not only us, but those around us.”
WELCOME TO POLAR WARRIORS: If this is your first time visiting my website or channel, welcome to “the Polar Warrior experience!” My channel is completely dedicated to helping individuals, families, and friends who struggle with, or know someone living with Bipolar Disorder. My goal is to provide actual Bipolar tools and to discuss topics which can potentially help “Polar Warriors” grow to live a more balanced, peaceful, and fulfilling life.
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“We couldn’t do this without the support of those who believe in what we’re doing. Please help Polar Warriors reach more people by sharing about us on Social Media or by donating. Together we can save lives.”
I just found you on youtube today. I am so thankful for your videos. I am a Registered nurse and I was diagnosed a long time ago with depression and a few years ago with Bipolar 2. I cried when the doctor diagnosed me because I did NOT want to have this! lol! I:ve been in denial for most of the time since my bipolar diagnosis. I am now ready to learn and take action. I’m tired of feeling crazy. That’s how it makes me feel and there are people in my personal life that tell me I am. (although I have been very successful in my career and have been able to keep people from knowing). I taught myself how to recognize when I first start feeling suicidal and I have learned to get help asap for that, but I have never learned how to recognize the onset of the mania and usually I feel so euphoric that I enjoy it. I even told my counselor at one time that I did not want to take medicine for it because it was so good. But I made a lot of horrible decisions and have caused a lot of embarrassing and humiliating issues in my life and with some of the people I love and care about. Its just not worth it anymore. I am tired of “self medicating”. I am ready to accept this and do what I need to do to be healthy. I just wanted to drop you a note and say “THANK YOU SO MUCH for being REAL and honest and putting yourself out there. Mental illness has such a huge stigma…..even in the medical field…its sad and unfortunate.
Thank you for posting the very first comment on my website! I’m still working on the site. It still has a long way to go. I’m surprised you found this article! A very warm welcome to the Polar Warrior Family! I have a Facebook Page and an amazing Community on Patreon if you would like more resources. Hope you have a peaceful start to your week and stop by again soon =)
-Rob Whittaker, Polar Warriors
You have been such a help this past year for m personally. I was diagnosed a few years ago and just recently started to gain control of my life with the help of your videos. What you do to help others does not go unnoticed and is so greatly appreciated!