CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO Have you ever asked someone “what's wrong” out of compassion or good nature and find that it just made things worse? It's as if they were “ok” one minute, and after you ask them what's wrong,

Relationships & “Not Giving a Duck!” (Bipolar Relationship Help)

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO This week on Polar Warriors, I'd like to share a wonderful story to inspire those who are in a relationship with someone who has Bipolar Disorder. I hope this video gives couples a different perspective

Faces of Bipolar Disorder (PART 9) – PSYCHOSIS: Signs, Symptoms, & Treatment

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO Bipolar psychosis is one of the most serious symptoms that those of us with Bipolar Disorder can experience. It's also one of the most stigmatized and misunderstood. In this video we will talk about the

10 Powerful Anger Management Techniques: Help Dealing With Anger & Rage!

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO RAGE & ANGER Management have been some of the most requested video topics on my YouTube channel. I'm going to cover a very inclusive look into how anger symptoms manifest, important things to know & look out

CAN’T AFFORD CARE (Part 1) Doctors & Therapy Resources!

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO Can't afford to see a doctor and get the diagnosis or care you DESERVE? You are not alone in this frustrating struggle. I've had so many people in the comments mention how they can't afford access to


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