BIPOLAR DISORDER: Mother & Son Interview From Polar Warriors

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO Welcome back to Polar Warriors, the world's largest video support community for Bipolar Disorder. I'm so excited today to have my first-ever special guest on the channel. She has known me for over 40 years and

Should People With Bipolar Disorder Have Children?

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO Should People With Bipolar Disorder Have Children? That's an extremely important question that many couples struggle with. Having a child is one of the biggest decisions we will ever make in our lifetime and there's a

Supporting Someone With Bipolar Disorder – A MUST SEE Video!

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO This is such a BRILLIANT perspective! I encourage you to share this with your partner, family, or friends who are "trying to be there" for you. Sometimes we get frustrated when someone tries to help us,

Disagreements & Conflict – Bipolar Disorder Relationship Help!

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO Everyone experiences conflict weather they have Bipolar Disorder or not. It's just part of coexisting with other human beings. For those of us who do have Bipolar Disorder, we can experience additional challenges when it comes

REAL ISSUES… Or Not? Bipolar Disorder Help From Polar Warriors!

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO I've noticed many times where I'd become extremely upset about something, say things I don't mean or treat those around me poorly, and then a week later – the BIG problem isn't even a second thought


CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO Have you ever asked someone “what's wrong” out of compassion or good nature and find that it just made things worse? It's as if they were “ok” one minute, and after you ask them what's wrong,

Relationships & “Not Giving a Duck!” (Bipolar Relationship Help)

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO This week on Polar Warriors, I'd like to share a wonderful story to inspire those who are in a relationship with someone who has Bipolar Disorder. I hope this video gives couples a different perspective

10 Powerful Anger Management Techniques: Help Dealing With Anger & Rage!

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO RAGE & ANGER Management have been some of the most requested video topics on my YouTube channel. I'm going to cover a very inclusive look into how anger symptoms manifest, important things to know & look out

HYPERSEXUALITY: Signs, Symptoms, Treatment, & More!

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO Hypersexuality is more common than people realize and it's extremely important to know the signs of "hypersexual behavior." It can have a HUGE impact on our decision making and especially our relationships. In fact, the average percentage

Bipolar Disorder Symptoms: SEE THEM IN ACTION!

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO As we learn more about Bipolar Disorder, it will get easier to start noticing the patterns of predictable behavior that go with it... At first, it can seem like there is "no method to the madness."

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