Bipolar Disorder & Racing Thoughts: 10 Techniques That’ll Help!

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO You're trying to go to sleep but there's a concert going on inside your head! It's like your thoughts are being driven by an over-caffeinated NASCAR driver who's blasting the car stereo around the race track!

Angry Much With Bipolar Disorder? The “Why” Might Surprise You!

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO It's incredible how "real" our thoughts and feelings can be - especially when we're upset. Our minds will fill up with stories and reasons to try and make sense of these strong feelings. It just feels


CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO A cure for Bipolar Disorder? That sounds amazing to people like me who have struggled with Bipolar Disorder symptoms their entire life. A cure also sounds especially good to those having a hard time accepting

Faces of Bipolar Disorder (PART 9) – PSYCHOSIS: Signs, Symptoms, & Treatment

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO Bipolar psychosis is one of the most serious symptoms that those of us with Bipolar Disorder can experience. It's also one of the most stigmatized and misunderstood. In this video we will talk about the

10 Powerful Anger Management Techniques: Help Dealing With Anger & Rage!

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO RAGE & ANGER Management have been some of the most requested video topics on my YouTube channel. I'm going to cover a very inclusive look into how anger symptoms manifest, important things to know & look out

HYPERSEXUALITY: Signs, Symptoms, Treatment, & More!

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO Hypersexuality is more common than people realize and it's extremely important to know the signs of "hypersexual behavior." It can have a HUGE impact on our decision making and especially our relationships. In fact, the average percentage

Bipolar Disorder Symptoms: SEE THEM IN ACTION!

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO As we learn more about Bipolar Disorder, it will get easier to start noticing the patterns of predictable behavior that go with it... At first, it can seem like there is "no method to the madness."

Faces of Bipolar Disorder (PART 7) “Bipolar Mania”

CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO Bipolar MANIA, symptoms, types, treatment and more are thoroughly discussed in this video. We're proud to say this is our 7th video in our ongoing series titled "Faces of Bipolar Disorder," so if you'd like to

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